Thursday, August 31, 2006

"Regrets Only" - bad idea

This past weekend we had a small "open house" so that our families could see this house we have been talking about building for a year now. We sent out invitations saying "regrets only." Well let me tell you, I will never do that again. Knowing that you always get way more food than you need, I only ordered food for 40 people even though we were expecting 60 - well we ended up having 40 show up. So 3 extra pans of roasted chicken and mostacholi later, dennis and I are ready to toss the rest of the leftovers. You can only eat so many roast beef sandiches....From now on, I will have a normal RSVP for all parties, and if you don't call, then I am not ordering food for you! so there!

1 comment:

Jen said...

I think that is the way to go... wish we could have come.