Monday, August 21, 2006

allergies - yuck

so i have been feeling like absolute crap lately - i should have thought a little longer before deciding to build a house in a new subdivision between a corn field and giant vasts of open space filled with weeds. i am probably not in the best location for someone with severe hayfever, and major allergies to all things outdoors. august has always been the very worst month for me when it comes to allergies. i remember the beginning of every schoolyear, i would walk around with a box of kleenex and sudafed. it's no different now. i can't walk from one room to the nex without needing more kleenex. i got some allergy medicing friday morning which seemed to work great (wal-itin) but when i took it saturday morning and then sunday morning, it caused me to sleep all weekend. i literally slept 40 hours this weekend i think. does anyone have any other suggestions for allergy medicine that works without side-effects, or does anyone know anything about what a dr. might be able to do for me??? help!!!!


Jen said...


An alergist gave me Nasonex, the spray stuff, that work pretty well. Nothing made me feel 100%. Mine are starting to act up too.

Anonymous said...

I would not do a nose spray they have been studied and said to cause individuals to become addicted, later causing mood problems. Try homeopathic first. Indoor and outdoor allergy stuff is available. If not quercitin and nettel. :)

Anonymous said...

Dear Julie,
I know just how you feel. Allergies suck!! Go to the Midwest Sinus Center in Tinley Park and see Dr. Allegretti. He is wonderful! Also try Allegra and Flonase nose spray (this stuff really works!!) which are both prescriptions. If you don't get this under control and you keep on with the "honking" you will get horrendous nasal polyps which get to be removed surgically. I can tell you all about that another time.!!
Love, from the person you inherited all those allergies from (Sorry about that)