Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I have this friend named Tony....

I have this friend named Tony (you can see a link to his page on my blogroll) and he has been promising to put up pictures of his new house on his blog for the last month now. Come on Tony, we are all waiting!

Monday, August 20, 2007


This weekend I spent a lot of time sleeping thanks to my wonderful allergy medicine. I did however have a little time for some other things.

We test drove a Ford Edge, which we both really liked. Whether or not we get it and when we would get it, is another story. Eventually we would like to replace my car with something a little bigger and safer. We have been all over the board over the past year looking at a Toyota Prius, BMW x3, Nissan Morano, Hyundai Santa Fe, and now the Ford Edge. Decisions, decisions - I have to say that so far, the Edge is winning - we'll see what happens though. Any thoughts anyone????

It is officially 26 days until my best friends wedding. I am getting so excited for her. It is going to be a fantastic day! It is officially 11 days until the bachelorette party! That will be a fantastic night! I will be sure to post (some) pictures....

Keep your fingers crossed for my sister. She had her second interview this past Friday for a fantastic HR job. I hope she gets it!

It has been raining cats and dogs out here - our pool is nearing the overflow point.

Tonight I get to see my baby second cousin, Jeffrey, again. I can hardley wait!

Monday, August 13, 2007

Parable of the Donkey

An old man, a boy & a donkey were going to town. The boy rode on the donkey & the old man walked. As they went along they passed some people who remarked it was a shame the old man was walking and the boy was riding. The man and boy thought maybe the critics were right, so they changed positions.
Then, later, they passed some people who remarked, 'What a shame, he makes that little boy walk.' So they then decided they'd both walk!
Soon they passed some more people who thought they were stupid to walk when they had a decent donkey to ride. So, they both rode the donkey.
Now they passed some people who shamed them by saying how awful to put such a load on a poor donkey. The boy and man figured they were probably right, so they decide to carry the donkey.
As they crossed the bridge, they lost their grip on the animal & he fell into the river and drowned.
The moral of the story? If you try to please everyone, you might as well kiss your ass goodbye!

Sunday, August 12, 2007

My second cousin

Me and Baby Jeffrey - He decided to stop by my candle party today! What a cutie pie!
Here is my cousin's son - Jeffrey David - 4 weeks old.

D's Bike

Father and Son go for a ride.

Tuesday, August 07, 2007

Expedite your Passports!

Dennis and I are going on a trip to Paris and Rome this fall with our friends Jen and Nathan. We were quite excited about the thought of traveling abroad when our friends invited us to look into vacation packages with them - the one problem though - we didn't have passports! Mine expired when I was 17 and Den only ever used his military ID when he was in the Army. We decided to book the trip anyway and hope for the best. We made an apppointment with our post office to get the paperwork submitted. In the meantime we went to Walgreens to get our pictures taken and we downloaded the forms online. On July 7 we had our meeting at the post office and handed everything in. On July 23rd (2 weeks later!!!) Dennis got his passport in the mail. On the 24th I got mine. And within a couple days after that we received our original birth certificates back in the mail. It was an extra $60 per person to expedite them, but it was well worth it! If you are planning a trip any time soon and you are worried about this sort of thing, I would highly recommend expediting your passport. It worked great for us!

Hubby's Harley

So my dear husband has made the decision to buy a bike - not just any bike, but a Harley Davidson Dyna Low Rider (red with white flames and lots of chrome). He's wanted one for a while and now that his dad and brother have bikes he just had to get one. I have learned more about motorcycles in this past week than I ever thought I would want to know. Dennis thought of it as more of a "pipe dream" for a while, but he got a great deal and our bank gave us a great deal on the loan, so it's now all falling together. With any luck, he will be driving it home on Thursday - more to come on this later - in the meantime, here is a picture of it.

as snug as a pug on a rug

Last week my in-laws went on vacation to Michigan and we got to watch their 2 pugs - Mia and Lucy (aka maniac and psycho). It was certainly a full house with 5 dogs. If you have never had 5 dogs in your house before, I don't recommend it. It may have been easier if we had a fence. Imagine taking 5 dogs outside about 5 times a day - thats 25 trips out. And you would think you could take them all out at once - well we tried that the first time....two of them got lose and the others tied us up in a knot. It was utter chaos. Leashes everywhere and the psychtic black pug trying to fight with all the others. Let me just give this word of advice, if you ever get a pug, get the normal colored tan one - I have never seen anything as crazy as this black pug. I don't know if it's just how she is or if it is how her breed is in general, but I wouldn't want to chance it! As for me, 3 dogs is more than enough!

Looking so sweet and innocent - her she is Lucy (black pug) hanging out with BamBam (white Westie) awwwwwww.....

Mia - sitting pretty

That's right - count'em - 5 dogs - Rusty on the top of the couch - then from left to right we have Belfry, Lucy, Mia, and Bam Bam - what a wild bunch!

There's a storm coming in!

These past few days we have had several thunderstorms here - although it has been well into the 90's, it certainly hasn't been a "dry heat." Humidity is at an all time high out here. We have had quite a few big thunderstorms - tons of lightening spidering across the sky, monsterous thunder booming, and sheets of rain pouring down. The thing is, these storms show up really quickly! Here you can see one of them heading into our subdivision!