Wednesday, August 23, 2006

Dishwasher Detergent Matters

For the past month I have been at war with my dishwasher. We got it with the house and were starting to feel like we got ripped off. We did pick the make and model ourselves and thought it would be a good dishwasher, but everything I put in there comes out looking just as dirty as it was when it went in. I added jet dry, put an actual cleaner in the dishwasher without any dishes to clean the inside of the machine itself. Nothing worked. I was starting to think we needed to get a water softener. A few people around here have them. The water isn't super-hard but it isn't the best. Last week I gave up and started washing dishes by hand. Then I realized that we had switched detergent a while ago. I bought the Cascade Complete that I was accustomed to using in my old house. (Remember now, before moving in here, I was living like a gypsie for 6 months and didn't wash any dishes...) Anyway I was with a friend when I bought the Cascade Complete and accidentally left it in their car. Since I needed detergent right away I ran up to our local store here and bought the one kind they had - Sun Light lemon scented. So last night I asked Dennis to pick up some Cascade Complete on his way home from golfing. Today, I ran the dishwasher again with some seriously dirty dishes in there, but used the Cascade Complete instead. It worked! yay! So I will be throwing out the rest of the Sun Light and will remain loyal to my Cascade Complete.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It is so funny that you posted about this. We got a new dishwasher last year, and it has a weird well for the detergent - it doesn't twist close but rather snaps shut like a lid. That means that if we use granulated detergent and we overfill it even a smidge, it won't close and we have to empty it out. Then as we empty it, it inevitably gets into the closing mechanism and won't close at all, so we have to brush the excess out so it'll close, blah blah blah.

Long story short - I bought liquid cascade complete yesterday and ran it last night - hooray! Not only did I not have to worry about brushing extra detergent out, but it also worked really well!

So yay!!!!! I'm with you!