Sunday, January 25, 2009

Dinner Party!

This post includes pictures of about 90% of my blog readers! haha Last Friday 1/16, our friends Tony and Wendy were in from North Carolina and had the chance to visit the rest of us boring people who haven't left the midwest...haha just kidding...I'm sure at least some of us are here by choice! :) Although we had to rearrange some of our furniture to fit everyone in the dining room, it was great to have everyone under one roof for the evening and to catch up with everybody.

At the dinner table

Nathan, Jen, Dennis, Jenne, Chris, Lyndsay, Jason (from the left and around the table)

Tracy, Matt, Tony, Wendy, (Nathan peeking in), Sarah, Cheyenne, Cindy and Rich

Dennis, Tracy, Matt, Jen, Nathan, Lyndsay, Jenne, Chris, Julie, Cindy, Tony, Wendy and Rich


Jen said...

Now I know where Gretchen gets her crazy smiles from. Check out Nathan in that third picture.

Tony Real said...

It was a great time Julie (and Dennis). Thanks for arranging this and having all of us over. You've got a fantastic house that is very well decorated. It was really good to see everyone and catch up - I wish I could see everyone way more often!