Wednesday, October 10, 2007

A Harley of my own....?

How Pretty! I think I will call her "purple flames"....

So I have been thinking about getting a Harley of my own. A used cheaper one of course, (I am limiting myself to spending $5,000 or less because once we have kids I am not sure how much I will ride) but still with some style, like the picture above. Anyway, my father-in-law has a black Sportster - this same model really. Since I have never ridden a Harley or motorcycle on my own my father-in-law graciously let me use his tonight to get some hands on experience and was a lot of fun. I was getting the hang of it riding around our subdivision and having a lot of fun, until .....crash....let's just say I owe my father-in-law a new pair of handlebars, and it will probably be a week or so before my leg is totaly healed.

We still had a lot of fun though. I am not going to let it keep me down. We'll see....

On another note - today is a monumental day. This is my 100th blog post. I hope you have enjoyed the last 100 blogs - hopefully there will be 100 more to come. If you are interested, take a look at my last 2 posts. ("Photography" and "A Dog's Life") I have updated them some to include some additional pictures!

1 comment:

Jen said...

Girl you are not allowed to crash any more!!! I need my friend in one piece.