Monday, July 14, 2008

Road Trip

This fall we are fortunate enough to have the opportunity to go to FL for a baptism for our friend's daughter. As we have been planning this little trip, we have gotten a little carried away with the idea of a road trip. Our schedule is still tentative, but we are almost certain we will be going to Atlanta GA, Savannah GA, Jacksonville FL, Pensecola FL, and New Orleans LA. If anyone has any suggestions on things to do in any of those places, please let us know!

1 comment:

Tony Real said...

I've been to Atlanta, Savannah, and New Orleans. Atlanta was fairly brief on both occasions and I was 13 when I went to New Orleans, so i'll try to focus on Savannah.

I haven't been to it personally, but Paula Deen, who is a host on Food Network has a restuarant in Savannah. Some of our friends went to it, and while was good, its hard to get into.

Savannah is a beautiful city with a ton of history. When I was there they were still making a big deal out of the Movie/Book Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil. When Wendy and I were there during our Honeymoon we spent a lot of time just looking at creepy old graveyards and looking at the architecture.