Thursday, March 13, 2008

Sigh (of relief)

Earlier this week I received the confirmation I have been looking for. Starting my own business really IS a good idea. After 45 days (not counting weekends here) of hard work, I am starting to see it pay off. Not that I ever thought it was a bad idea to go into business for myself, but you know, there is the worry that you won't make as much money, or you could fail and have to call it quits, and then what will you do? Luckily I am not in that boat. I've had several little successes that are leading to bigger successes. While I haven't seen a paycheck since November (when my old company decided to just stop paying me - giving me a lengthy 1 days notice) I am finally starting to feel like it's all going to be all right. By the time summer hits, I should be in really good shape. Commission jobs can be tough, but they are also very rewarding. You truly reap what you sow - so I am just going to keep on sowing! This first major success has been an enormous boost to morale though which is why I have a great big sigh of relief right now.

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