Wednesday, March 25, 2009

When he was young

With the combination of all of these new babies popping up lately combined with out continuous efforts to start a family, it is hard not to have "baby fever!" I have been asking my mother-in-law to see pictures of my husband as a baby for a while now. Last weekend, she gave me a big stack of pictures and these are a few of my favorites. I'm not sure how excited Dennis is that I am posting these on my blog, but he doesn't read the blog usually anyway - and he was too cute not to post these! I've always hoped to have a little girl but after seeing these cute pictures, I realized I'd be just as happy with a little boy! I hope that one way or the other we will be having a baby soon. (wish us luck! we need it!) Here's my husband....LOOOONG before I met him! :)

Dennis at 6 months old - December 1977

Dennis at 2 years old - June 1979 (long before I was even thought of! hehe!)

Dennis at 3 years old - June 1980

Dennis at 4 years old - June 1981 (yay! I am now 4 months old at this point!) When my mother in law showed me this picture, I told her how much I love the outfit he is wearing (I really do!) and asked her if she still had it. She told me that this was actually his favorite outfit when he was a kid and that he wanted to wear it nearly every day. Look at that straight blonde hair! It's kind of funny to realize he has so many red curls now, but he definitely has that same smile!

Dennis around age 6 or 7? Not sure of the date on this one. Look at those freckles! What a cutie!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I forgot to mention this while we where at the Chito