Monday, January 14, 2008

Hardworking Hubby

It's 8:30pm right now and my husband is taking a nap....that is because at 10pm he is going in to work. Does he work the night shift? No, not usually, but lately he has been picking up all the overtime he can. I have to admit he has been putting in a lot of effort these past couple of months. Last week he worked late almost every night - one day working a 20 hour shift, getting 3 hours of sleep and going back in at 7am the next morning. This weekend he worked full shifts on Saturday and Sunday. Luckily this next weekend we have planned some time for fun and relaxation. I know I am working hard at home trying to get my business up and running, but I do feel bad that he has had to takeover virtually all of the breadwinning around here. Hopefully I can catch up and relieve him in a couple of months!

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