Monday, September 11, 2006


Well, for my avid blog readers (haha) I apologize that I didn't have a chance to post last week. Among other things, I spent some time in Atlanta for work last week and was quite busy with that.

In other news some anonymous person has been continuously posting hurtful comments on my blog 5+ at a time and it was a bit depressing to even think about the blog. Luckily my husband intercepted most of them last week so that I didn't even have to see them. I don't know who I could have offended that much to the point that they had to write such horrible comments, but if I did something to personally affect you mr./ms. anonymous, I would like to apologize for it.

So here is what the "Unbelievable" title of my blog is aimed at. Yesterday morning I brought in the newspaper. Of course on the front 5 or so pages, there is memorial information regarding the tragedies of September 11th 2001. I read through most of that and found it particulalry more emotional than I did last year because the night before, Dennis and I watched United 93. The movie itself brought me to tears numerous times.

On the following page of the paper though, there is a huge story on how Marshall Fields has officially changed the name to Macy's downtown and there are people seriously standing outside protesting with signs. Not only is it unbelievable to me that people have taken the time out of their day to walk around with signs chastising macy's, but the fact that news reporters think this is such a huge story just blows my mind. Don't get me wrong - Marshall Field's has been my very favorite store for at least 5 years now. I have gone there for everything from Coach purses, to bedding, to jewelry, wine, and clothes. I love Marshall Fields. Yes, I am sad to see them gone. But I went to Macy's last weekend and I have to say I was very happy with the store. Most of the products were the same. In fact, there seemed to be a wider variety of things to choose from. Being a platinum cardholder member, I am entitled to several things at Macy's that I did not get at Field's including a discount for using my card EVERY TIME I use it, to free gift wrapping, to free clothing alterations. Yes I will miss the name, but I will also continue to shop there with the Macy's name.

I think the people with the protest signs should try to concentrate their efforts on doing something more positive with their time and energy. Perhaps I wouldn't have felt that way if the story wasn't directly after the September 11th memorial information, but seeing as it was, it kind of put things in to perspective for me.

If these people really think that the buyout and the name change are worthy of being called a "tragedy" I think that they need their perspectives checked as well.


Jen said...

I could not agree with you more... I still cry when I think about 9/11 for too long.

Anonymous said...

Dear Julie,
I really enjoyed your comments about the September 11 movie and about all of it in general. I myself will never ever forget that day or the days afterward. I will not forget how it seemed people started to treat each other humanely after such a tradgedy, and I thought to myself what a shame that so often that is the case-that something so awful has to happen in order for people to put their lives into perspective and realize that we all have to treat each other right. So many people died that day. They didn't even know that when they kissed their spouses and kids goodbye that they would never see them again. There is so many times that I think of that and of all of those people. There was a great editorial cartoon in the paper the day after 9-11. It showed the anguish of the people and the ruins at the bottom of the page and then smoke rising up and then gradually the smoke became people in a long line getting into a door labelled "Heaven." Really made you think.
I couldn't agree with you more about the people protesting Macy's arrival in the Chicago area. How utterly stupid!! Of course they have a U.S.A. right to protest but what a waste of time!! They all could have taken the time they wasted and done something better with it either for the good of themselves or for another human being. The ultimate protest would be to not shop there or better yet have a reason to protest. Macy's hasn't done anything wrong. In fact I bet that they make a lot of improvements. Maybe they should just be mad at Marshall Field's. After all they were the ones who sold themselves to Macy's!! Well hopefully all of those protestors didn't sprain any ankles falling off their high heels in the picket line.
As for the varsity loser who has been anonymously blogging you with comments that show the level of their intelligence and brain is somewhere beneath a latrine, I say it figures. They were probably one of the Macy's protestors!! When they have to make someone else look bad to make themselves look good-then they are the problem.

Thank God for intelligent caring people like you Julie. Maybe the world needs more of them-so that
9-11 never happens again. You just keep blogging. Maybe "ananymous" will get it someday. Never let the jackasses get ya down.

Love ya tons and bunches,