Thursday, May 24, 2007

May 20 - Where's the green bag?: Heading Home

So today we woke up and got ready to leave. After turning in our rental car, we checked in for our flight, went through security, had lunch, and waited to fly home. Our plane was delayed for mechanical reasons so we had to wait. At 3pm when we were suppose to board we picked up our bags when Dennis looked and me and said "hey, where's the green carry on bag?" At that point the freaking out began.
The green carry on bag contained our video camer along with all the videos we took over the past 10 days as well as our glasses, contact lenses, Dennis's cell phone, and some other miscellaneous things.
We opted not to get on the plane, and to instead freak out and run around the airport retracing our steps looking for the bag. We went back to the restaurant where we had lunch, back to security, back to check in, to the airport lost and found and to the Orlando police. Alas, no green bag. We found another flight home and thanks to my tearful story, we were not charged for it. I continued calling the Orlando airport lost and found about 20 more times and each time was told that no bag was handed in.
By 10pm we landed in Chicago and I realized our checkbook was also in the green bag. I had already made peace with losing the bag and ordered Dennis a new cell phone. realizing the checkbook was gone, I freaked out all over again. By 11pm we got home and there was a message on our answering machine from the Orlando airpport lost and found. Someone handed our bag in at 11am and they called our house at noon! They had our bag the whole time but just were too lazy to look for it when we went in.
Tragedy avoided!
The bag is now on it's way to our house - According to the lost in found, all of our stuff is still in the bag and we should have it this week!
It was a close call, but all is well that ends well!


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