Friday, June 13, 2008

Upgrading the Back Yard

Here is what our back yard looked like about a week ago.....

And here is what it looks like today.....

We have added a 700 square foot deck and a privacy fence. (When I say "we have added" I mean "we have paid someone to add." If we were working on this project ourselves we'd likely still be digging holes! It came out nice though and we are very happy with the end result. We look forward to many back yard parties this year with swimming and hanging out in the back yard.

Another view of the deck. In all there are 4 sets of stairs - these large stairs, a small set on the right and the left ends of the deck, and then a small set goingup to the upper-pool deck area.

The upper pool deck is gated in - good thing it is because everytime Rusty goes outside he tries to jump in the pool. He just loves to swim!

The boys enjoying the yard. With the new fence they can run around and we finally don't have to keep them on chains. We can't say how excited we are about this. For the past 3 years, we have had to hook each dog up to a chain many times a day whenever they went outside. They would usually get tangled up with each other or stuck on something and we would have to go out and untangle them. Now they are free!

Another view of the fence (before we took the pool fence down). The fence was finished before the deck. We have 3 gates, one on each side of the house and another in the back leading out to the pond.

One of the gates. - In all we are so happy this project is complete. It's just another step towards making our house more of a home. We have wanted a fence for a really long time so it is nice to finally see it up. The deck is geat because now you can get in the pool without having to walk through the grass. Before the deck we had a 3 foot x 2 foot concrete slab in the back. We could just barely sit on it together. Now we have 700 square feet to hang out, entertain, grill out, eat out, and party on. YAY!!!!!!!


Anonymous said...

Deck looks awesome! Fence too.... i just REALLY like the deck

Jen said...

The deck looks great!

belle said...

wow! That looks fantastic! I remember having to take Deacon out on a chain :P It's so nice when you can open the door and just let them out - especially in the winter!