Our trip to Bengston's in 2010.....Just over 2 feet tall.
sitting on the train with mommy - 2010
with the pumpkins 2010
With the pumpkins - 2011 - quite a bit taller, a lot more hair and a LOT more personality!
measuring in just 3 inches short of 3 feet this year!
On the train with daddy - 2011
.....And just for fun, here are some other pictures from Octobers past
October 2009 - at the Bears vs Lions game in Chicago (pregnant with Angelica)
October 2008 - at the Georgia Aquarium - on our vacation to GA & FL - went to see the Bears vs. Falcons game in Atlanta, did lots of sightseeing and ended up in a beach house in Pensacola with our friends! Those were the days! haha
October 2007 - bought my first motorcycle!
October 2006 - at a White Sox game - married for 5 months
October 2005 - heading to a wedding - before we were married! We got engaged in June 2005.
October 2004 - at my cousin's wedding - we had been dating for just under a year at this point!
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