Today we had Angelica's 3 month checkup. She is doing great. She weighs 13.2 lbs and is in the 75th percentile for weight. She is 25 1/4 inches tall and is in the 97th percentile for height...looks like our once short little girl is now pretty darn tall! She has grown over 6 inches taller since she was born. Besides her height and weight, our pediatrician says she is looking awesome.
Angelica's latest interests are in playing with toys and putting things in her mouth. She is still rolling over several times a day from her tummy to her back. She also babbles on and on and on and on as long as there is someone to listen to her. We may end up having quite the little conversationalist! She is still sleeping pretty well at night. We usually get a 10-11 hour stretch of sleep from her once she falls asleep. And speaking of sleep, she is now sleeping in her own room - most of the time. I have been a little freaked out by this. Perhaps I watch too much Law & Order. There have been nights when I have tossed and turned until 2am, only to go and get her out of her crib and put her back in her bassinet in our room. I get so worried about something happening to her that I just can't relax myself enough to go to bed. One night I even made Dennis get up to look for intruders. The sound of the furnace kicking on amplifies quite a bit over the baby monitor! Hopefully this will pass...if not I will need to start having a glass of wine before bed so I can knock myself out! haha.
She really seems to enjoy taking a bath. I hope it will be an easy transition into the pool this summer! She does pretty well in her stroller. We have been taking walks all week with this beautiful weather. We have walked at the outlet mall, around the neighborhood and even headed to the forest preserve one day.
Below are some pictures that Dennis and I took of her earlier this week. They came out pretty good and we are using them as her official 3 month photos.
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