Thursday, August 07, 2008

I spoke too soon...

I think that the Smith family (aka - us) is singlehandedly paying the salaries of everyone at the Glenwood Vet. BamBam was doing great - he had his stitches out on Monday and things were looking good. Tuesday I was worried when I saw some inflamation on his chest. On Wednesday it was worse. I treated it with ice and his anti-inflamatory and pain medication. By this morning I was really concerned. He had developed a lump the size of a golf ball on his chest with a second lump starting to form right next to it. It was hot to the touch and he was in pain. I called the vet at about 5am and they got us in first thing this morning. When we got there, it was determined that the lump was definitely an infection which had formed around his incision from surgery. While there it exploded. They cleaned him up, gave him some shots and sent us home with 3 prescriptions - 2 antibiotics and 1 painkiller. He will be on these for 3 more weeks with a follow up appointment early next week. Another $156 later, we were headed home.

On a brighter note, the first claim I submitted to our pet insurance was approved and the check is supposedly in the mail. That claim was only for $238. I will be submitting 2 more tomorrow - 1 for $735 and another for $156. We'll see how that goes. If they are approved, I will be writing a raving review and recommending the company to everyone. It takes about a month to process the claims stay tuned....

1 comment:

Jen said...

You are a good pet owner.