Thursday, August 24, 2006

Better Homes and Gardens

Today I went to the post office and found the new issue of Better Homes and Gardens. However it had been forwarded from my old address and still had my maiden name on it. Attached to the magazine was an envelope asking me to "renew my subrscription." This envelope has been attached to the last 5 issues and I have never sent it back in to renew. So, I thought this time I better call and see what's up. Upon speaking with someone in Customer Service, they assured me that my name and address have been changed so there is no worry of future issues being lost in the mail. I asked the woman how much longer I had on my subscription before it ran out. At this point she told me that I was paid up through FEBRUARY 2010!!! That's right - I am paid up for the next 3.5 years - 42 months more of BHG for me. I must have paid too much attention to those renewal forms at some point in the past 3 years and actually sent them in from time to time with money to extend my subscription. Well no more of that for me! Looks like I will be ignoring all the rest of those forms until I my 29th birthday. So beware if any of your subscriptions send you these "super special offers" with your are probably not really up for renewal yet!

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